Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Embrace Your Inner Psycopath

Inside of us is an inner psychopath waiting for the right moment to explode. All of us can remember such moments. 
You step into a crowded elevator. The eyes of another passenger meet your own and flick away. The doors close. You find yourself enveloped in the stale mouthwash of social convention. 

Each person is silent and rigid, facing forward, intensely watching the panel of illuminated numbers as they flicker from floor to floor. 

As the silence thickens, you are drawn to a secret part of yourself that itches for relief and swells with the desire for rupture: your inner psychopath. 

When you step into your inner psychopath, you step into a new dimension of personal freedom. Turning your face to your fellow passengers, you say,  
'We never talk. Don't you think it's time we had a talk. So listen up. Yo, losers, look at me and listen the f*ck up. All right? Do you f*ckin' get it or what?   
Can't you see what's happening here? Make some human f*ckin' contact for chrissake.  
You. Yeah, you. Say hello, real nice. Now you. Nice and easy, buddy. No fast moves or it's sweet bye-bye.  
That's good, real good. We're not f*ckin' robots, you know! We're free self realizing, social organisms. Okay! So let's start acting like it, g*ddammit. All right. I feel better, don't you. I know you do.
By sharing with others this way, you honor the many voices within you. By staying open to your inner psychopath, you keep the rest of your personality on its toes.  
Daily Afflictions: The Agony of Being Connected to Everything in the Universe (borrow here)

Christmas Food Court Flash Mob

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